Elevate Orthotic Insoles (3-5 days delivery)
Heat mouldable modular orthotic kit for cutomised patient fit. Offers practitioners the opportunity to control foot posture and specifically modify the pressure distribution under the foot by means of anatomical contouring and supportive padding. Made of EVA
£24.70 – £27.60
Product Details
A heat mouldable modular orthotic kit for customised patient fit.
Whichever foot type is encountered during a clinical situation, many will demonstrate significant alterations in how pressure is distributed across the sole of the foot. In addition, the medial arch height will vary with the demands of pronation and may reach a point which is difficult to address without direct support.
If pressure is unevenly spread across the lesser metatarsals, functional overloading of the MTP joints may result in lesser ray deformity and loss of functions. Underlying biomechanical changes will exacerbate these changes if left uncorrected.
Many foot pathologies require orthotic solutions that demand specific placement of prescription modifications and furthermore practitioners may prefer to adjust the shaping of the orthotic shell.
Whenever this is undertaken, it is important to use an orthotic model, which is designed to meet these specific requirements and offers choice with regard to the placement and extent of postural foot control.
Elevate by TalarMade offers practitioners the opportunity to control foot posture and specifically modify the pressure distribution under the foot by means of anatomical contouring and supportive padding. It is designed to follow the anatomical features of the foot to aid stability and also act as a vehicle for the addition of forefoot and arch pads to be fixed to the top side of the orthotic to provide extra stability and strength to failing structures.
The postural control of the foot can be increased by selecting a heel elevator or medial post, either of which can be fixed to the underside of the orthotic. In this way a fully customisable orthotic prescription can be provided and an exceptional fit achieved.
- Supplied with adhesive backed valgus support pad, adhesive backed met dome, adhesive backed 4° extended medial post and adhesive backed 8mm heel elevator
- Plantar fasciitis
- Metatarsalgia
- Functional hallux limitus
- Neuromas
- Hallux valgus/limitus
- Heel pain
- Leg length discrepancy
- Any other condition requiring general support